2025 : 3 : 11
sayyed ahmad parsa
Academic rank:
Faculty of Language and Literature
a.parsa [at] uok.ac.ir
Research activities
Research interests
Executive activities
PhD. in Persian Language and Literature
(2000 - 2004)
Thesis title:
BSc. in Persian Language and Literature
(1989 - 1991)
Thesis title:
MSc. in Persian Language and Literature
(1991 - 1993)
Thesis title:
Bachelor Of Science
Master Of Science
Rhetoric in Kurdish Literature
Rhetorics of Thought and Speech
Reference Studies and Research Methods 1
3 prose texts (texts didactic literature with an emphasis on Golestan
Order 5 Episode 4 (Hafez 2)
Arabic 2 (Arabic prose)
Arabic 3 (Arabic poetry)
Arabic 1 Conjugation
Persian verse 3 Khaghani and Nizami Ganjavi
Research on the foundations of Islamic mysticism
Encyclopedia language
Rhetoric in Rhetoric
Persian prose literature research
Research on Rhetoric
Research activities
Journal Papers
Conference Papers
Typology of Narrative Discourse in the Collection of Sahail Al-Jawad Al-Abeid based on the Theory of Jaab LintVelt
The quality of representation of discourse actors in Arash Kamangir's poetry based on Van Leeuwen's model (1996)
Analyzing the Discourse Oriented Propositions of the novel Ahle Ghargh Written by Moniro Ravanipour basedApproach of Norman Fairclough
Unlocking the symbols of Sherkobekas Bracelt Book through the Collective Unconscious
Proverb-like, and their Role in Discourse AnalysisLegitimization Methods in Persian Proverbs and
The Interactive Role of Linguistic, Discursive and Narrative Elements in the Textual Configuration of Kasraei’s Arash the Archer
A look at the folk verse of Mem and Zain
Analysis of the discourse logic of Jerry's application and application of Quranic verses in Anwari's poems.
The Surveillance-Punitive Function of Prison in the Prison Poems of Ahmad Shamlou: A Discoursal and Sociological Analysis
A Lesser Known Characteristic of Metaphorization in Khaghani’s poems
sayyed ahmad parsa, AttaUllah Ouliaie (2020)
Semantic Functions of Parenthetical Sentences in Bayhaghi’s History
Humanism in Intellectual Style of Sherko Bekas, the Contemporary Poet from Iraqi Kurdistan
Payman Tabari, sayyed ahmad parsa, Mohammad Ali Gozashti (2015)
پMetamorphosis (Change) of Love in Shamloo’s Intellectual Style
Payman Tabari, sayyed ahmad parsa, Mohammad Ali Gozashti (2015)
Masnavi Jahangir Nameh: Saqi Nameh or the description of the royal joyous assembly?
Methodology of Rasouli Akram's praises (peace be upon him) in the Kurdish poets of Mukriyan region
The scientific facets of Al-Biruni’s life: An investigation of his scientific methodology in research
sayyed ahmad parsa (2014)
Analyzing and comparing the difference between Khosrow Shirin Nizami's title and subject with native narratives
Maulvi in Kurdistan
The secret of the world fame of Sherko Bekas poetry
sayyed ahmad parsa (2021)
Classification and typological analysis of Kurdish folk lyrical poems in Sorani dialect by comparing it with similar examples in Persian
The analysis of the critical discourse of gender in Shazdeh Hammam Mohammad Hossein Papoli Yazdi
Investigating the comparative analysis of minimalist stories in several story collections by Belgheis Soleimani and Farhad Mustafa
Analysis of The utopian discourse in Majma'-e Divanegan (The Assembly of Madmen) by Abdul Hossein Sanatizadeh
Analysis of the Functions of Quranic Verses in Rumi`s Masnavi
Submitted to the Postgraduate Studies Office in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of M.A. in Persian language and literature
Discursive and Symbolic Construction of the Contemporary Narrative Poems. (A Case Study of Poems by: Nima, Shamloo, Ebtehaj, Akhavan, Khanlery, Kasraie and Hamid Mossadegh)
Typology of narrative discourse in two works: Sahil Al-Jaw
بررسی و تحلیل هجو در شعر فارسی از قر ن نهم تا معاصر
Alinazar Nazaritawirani, sayyed ahmad parsa, Najmeddin jabbari, Nasrin Ali Akbari (2018)
Research interests
Literary theory and criticism
contemporary literature
Executive activities
Member of the board of َAudit of University of Kurdistan
(1397 - 1399)
Member of the board of َAudit of University of Kurdistan
(1395 - 1397)
Scientific Secretary of the International Conference on Kurdish and Persian (Linguistics and Poetry); Joint between Kurdistan University in Iran and Salahuddin University in Erbil and Raprin University in Rania. 2018
(1397 - 1397)
part-time researcher of the center Kurdistan
(1388 - 1388)
Board member expert panel monitoring and evaluation of Payam Noor University in Kurdistan
(1388 - 1390)
The Office is responsible for monitoring and evaluation and promotion of Kurdistan University
(1384 - 1389)