2025 : 2 : 13

Ghader Mirzaghaderi

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 24335609700
Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture
Address: Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding - College of Agriculture - University of Kurdistan - P.O. Box: 416 - Sanandaj - Iran


  • PhD. in Plant Biotechnology - Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering , Tarbiat Modares , Iran (2003 - 2008)
    Thesis title:
  • MSc. in Plant Breeding (1999 - 2002)
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  • BSc. in Plant Breeding (1994 - 1998)
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Research activities

Journal Papers
Effect of bio-fertilizers and seaweed extract on growth and yield of wheat (.Triticum aestivum L) under different irrigation regimes: Two-year field study Zahra Najafi Vafa, Yousef Sohrabi, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Gholamreza Heidari, Muhammad Rizwan, Riyazali Zafarali Sayyed (2024)
Genome-wide analysis of the C2H2-ZFP gene family in Stevia rebaudiana reveals involvement in abiotic stress response Shahla Nikraftar, Rahman Ebrahimzadegan, Mohammad Majdi, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2024)
Meiotic segregation and post‑meiotic drive of the Festuca pratensis B chromosome Rahman Ebrahimzadegan, Jörg Fuchs, Jianyong Chen, Veit Schubert, Armin Meister, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Andreas Houben (2023)
The use of Rhizobia in Improving the Protective Mechanisms of Wheat under Limited Water Conditions Zahra Najafi Vafa, Yousef Sohrabi, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Gholamreza Heidari (2022)
Genetic dissection of the powdery mildew resistance in wheat breeding line LS5082 using BSR-Seq Liru Wu, Tong Zhu, Huagang He, Xinyou Cao, Haosheng Li, Pengtao Ma, Cheng Liu, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Jiancheng Song, Lipei Zhang, Hongxing Xu, Mengshu Jia (2022)
Karyology and Genome Size Analyses of Iranian Endemic Pimpinella (Apiaceae) Species Shaghayegh Mehravi, Gholam Ali Ranjbar, Hamid Najafi-Zarrini, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Mehrdad Hanifei, Jacqueline Batley, David Edwards, Anita Alice Severn-Ellis (2022)
Differentially Amplified Repetitive Sequences Among Aegilops tauschii Subspecies and Genotypes Rahman Ebrahimzadegan, Fatemeh Orooji, Pengtao Ma, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2021)
De Novo SNP Discovery and Genotyping of Iranian Pimpinella Species Using ddRAD Sequencing Shaghayegh Mehravi, Gholam Ali Ranjbar, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Anita Alice Severn-Ellis, Armin Scheben, Jacqueline Batley, David Edwards (2021)
Karyotype Analysis in Six Species of Lolium and Festuca (Poaceae) Parisa Shafiee, Fatemeh Amini, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Seyed Mohammad Mehdi Mortazavian, ُSeyed Ahmad Sadat Nouri (2020)
Production of synthetic wheat lines to exploit the genetic diversity of emmer wheat and D genome containing Aegilops species in wheat breeding Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Zinat Abdolmaleki, Rahman Ebrahimzadegan, Farshid Bahmani, Fatemeh Orooji, Ali akbar Mozafari, Mohammad Majdi (2020)
Repetitive DNA landscape in essential A and supernumerary B chromosomes of Festuca pratensis Huds Rahman Ebrahimzadegan, Andreas Houben, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2019)
KARYOTYPIC VARIATION IN FIVE SPECIES OF THE GENUS FRITILLARIA (LILIACEAE) Fatemeh Hazbavi, Shahla Hosseini, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Mahfouz Advay (2019)
Molecular cytogenetic analysis reveals evolutionary relationships between polyploid Aegilops species Zinat Abdolmaleki, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Annalise Mason, Ekaterina Badaeva (2019)
Broadening the bread wheat D genome Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Annalise Mason (2019)
Revisiting pivotal-differential genome evolution in wheat Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Annalise Mason (2017)
Dynamic nucleolar activity in wheat × Aegilops hybrids: Evidence of C genome dominance Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Zinat Abdolmaleki, Mohsen Zohuri, Zeynab Moradi, Annalise Mason (2017)
The evolution of meiotic sex and its alternatives Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Elvira Hörandl (2016)
Modification of antioxidant enzymes activation and membrane lipid peroxidation in mutant rice resistant to Magnaportheoryzae Dariush Ebadi-Almas, Said Navabpour, Ahad Yamchi, Khalil Zeynali Nezhad, Ali Moumeni, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2016)
Expression patterns of pathogenesis-related genes in a mutant rice esistant to blast disease Dariush Ebadi-Almas, Said Navabpour, Ahad Yamchi, Khalil Zeynali Nezhad, Ali Moumeni, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2016)
SSR assessment of the genetic diversity of emmer wheat with emphasis on Iranian landraces Triticum dicoccon Schrank Mostafa Rafiepour, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Salar Shaaf, Hedieh Badakhshan (2016)
IdeoKar: An ideogram constructing and karyotype analyzing software Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Karim Marzangi (2015)
Assessment of genetic diversity and identification of SSR markers associated with grain iron content in Iranian prevalent wheat genotypes Namdar Moradi, Hedieh Badakhshan, Hadi Mohamadzadeh, mohammad reza Zakeri, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2014)
Genome structure and salt stress response of some segregated lines from wheat and Tritipyrum crosses Ghodratollah zeinali, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Hedieh Badakhshan (2013)
Karyotypic Variation and Karyomorphology in Iranian Endemic Ecotypes of Plantago ovata Forsk Dariush Ebadi-Almas, Ghasem Karimzadeh, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2012)
Wheat-Rye Translocation in Iranian Bread Wheats and their Ion Distribution in Response to Salinity Stress Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Ghodratollah zeinali, Mostafa Rafiepour, Ghasem Karimzadeh (2011)
C-banded karyotype of Thinopyrum bessarabicum and identification of its chromosomes in wheat background Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Hossien Shahsavanhassani, Ghasem Karimzadeh (2010)
Cytogenetic analysis of hybrids derived from wheat and Tritipyrum crosses using conventional staining and genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Ghasem Karimzadeh, h.s hassani, Mokhtar Jalalijavaran, Amin Baghizadeh (2010)
Induction of Tetraploidy to Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium Schulz-Bip.): Morphological, Physiological, Cytological, and Phytochemical Changes Mohammad Majdi, Ghasem Karimzadeh, Mohammad ali Malboobi, Reza Omidbaigi, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2010)
Development of wheat–Lophopyrum elongatum recombinant lines for enhanced sodium ‘exclusion’ during salinity stress DJ Mullan, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Ester Walker, Timothy Colmer, Michael G Francki (2009)
Isolation of wheat–rye 1RS recombinants which break the linkage between stem rust resistance gene SrR and secalin DR Anugrahwati, Kenneth W Shepherd, Dawn C Verlin, Peng Zhang, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Ester Walker (2008)
Conference Papers
Revisiting Pivotal-Differential Genome Evolution Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Annalise Mason (2018)
FISH based karyotype analysis in some Aegilops species Zinat Abdolmaleki, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2017)
Wheat-Aegilops triuncialis hybridization, a potential way of gene transference Neda Fathi, Samira Ahmadian, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2013)
Genome structure of segregated Lines from wheat and Tritipyrum crosses Ghodratollah zeinali, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Hedieh Badakhshan (2013)
Molecular genetic diversity of wild emmer wheat Maryam Moradi-Vahdat, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2013)
Ideokar: an ideogram constructing and karyotype analyzing software Darioush Zandi, Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Khaled mirzaei (2013)
Identification of microsatellite markers correlated with grain iron content in Iranian prevalent wheat genotypes Hedieh Badakhshan, Namdar Moradi, Hadi Mohamadzadeh, mohammad reza Zakeri, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2013)
Wheat–rye translocation 1RS.1BL in some bread wheat cultivars of Iran Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Ghasem Karimzadeh, h.s hassani, Mokhtar Jalalijavaran (2009)
Study of the chromosome constitution, stability and fertility of the second generation of plants derived from crosses between wheat and Tritipyrum Ghader Mirzaghaderi, Ghasem Karimzadeh, Hossien Shahsavanhassani, Mokhtar Jalalijavaran, Amin Baghizadeh (2007)
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Tools for Drawing Informative Idiograms Shoaeib Mahmoudi, Ghader Mirzaghaderi (2023)
Grant Attraction

Research interests

  • Plant Genomics
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Polyploidy