Boronic acid-doped carbon nanoparticles were prepared and are shown to undergo aggregation induced emission (AIE). The nanoparticle composite is a viable fluorescent probe for glucose determination by using the RGB technique and a smartphone. The structure and the chemical composition of the doped carbon nanoparticles were confirmed by SEM, TEM, FTIR and UV-vis spectroscopy. The combination of 4-carboxyphenylboronic acid with o-phenylenediamine and rhodamine B endowed the hybrid with high fluorescence intensity (quantum yield 46%). Compared with conventional two-step preparation of boronic acid-based fluorescent probes for glucose, the present one step synthesis strategy is simpler and more effective. The addition of glucose causes the formation of covalent bonds between the cis-diols group of glucose molecules and boronic acid moiety. Fluorescent intensity can be quantified using dual wavelengths simultaneously, where both increases, as the target analytes bind to the bronic acid. These variations was monitored by the smartphone camera, and the green channel intensities of the colored images were processed by using the RGB option of a smartphone. The assay works in the 32 μM to 2 mM glucose concentration range and has an 8 μM detection limit. The method was successfully used for the assay of glucose in diluted human serum.