مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Biology of Hypocassida ...
عنوان Biology of Hypocassida subferruginea Schrank, 1776 (Col., Chrysomelidae) as the leaf-feeder beetle of Convolvulus arvensis in laboratory
نوع پژوهش مقاله ارائه شده کنفرانسی
کلیدواژه‌ها Biology, Hypocassida subferruginea, Convolvulus arvensis
چکیده Abstract Convolvulus arvensis Schrank is one of the most important weeds in the world and Iran. During the last years there has been an increasing interest to develop alternative control strategies based on the introduction in crop plants of a potent weeds control agent through biological control by insects.One of the important insect which fed on C. arvensisis Hypocassida subferrugineain Kurdistan province.This beetlespent all its life cycle on C. arvensis. In this research for thefirst time biology of H.subferrugineain the world and Iran were investigated. Their egg were collected, thantransferred to laboratory and reared onC.arvensis. The life period of different stages of H.subferruginea in laboratory condition as follows: the egg:3.4±0.5 days; the 1st instar: 2.0±0 days, the 2nd: 2.0±0 days, the 3rd: 1.7±0.5 days, the 4th: 2.1±0.4 days, the 5th: 1.8±0.4 days; prepupa: 1.4±0.1 days; pupa: 3.4±0.5 days and adult: 70.4±4.9.
پژوهشگران حامد غباری (نفر سوم)، سونیا سیفی (نفر اول)، امین صادقی (نفر دوم)