2024 : 12 : 22
Shahriar Salimi

Shahriar Salimi

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 56208254700
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Phone: 4258


  • PhD. in Theoretical physics, Quantum Information and Computation , Tabriz University , Iran (2001 - 2007)
    Thesis title:


Research activities

Journal Papers
Steady-state charging of quantum batteries via dissipative ancillas Farzaneh Hatami Kamin, Shahriar Salimi, Mohammad Bagher Arjmandi (2024)
Quantum battery charging by non-equilibrium steady-state currents Farzaneh Hatami Kamin, Zahra Abuali, Herve Ness, Shahriar Salimi (2023)
Generalized uncertainty relation between thermodynamic variables in quantum thermodynamics Zahra Abuali, Farzaneh Hatami Kamin, R. J. S. Afonso, Diego Soares-Pinto, Shahriar Salimi (2023)
Quantum Speed Limit Time of Topological Qubits Influenced by the Fermionic and Bosonic Environments Fatameh Ahmadi, Sorosh Haseli, Maryam Hadipour, Sara Heshmatian, Haziar Dolatkhah, Shahriar Salimi (2022)
Bounds on charging power of open quantum batteries Shadab Zekawati, Fatemeh Tarighi Tabesh, Shahriar Salimi (2021)
Exergy of passive states: Waste energy after ergotropy extraction Farzaneh Hatami Kamin, Shahriar Salimi, Alan Santos (2021)
Irreversible work and Maxwell demon in terms of quantum thermodynamic force Ahmadi borhan, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2021)
Quantum speed limit time in the presence of disturbance Sorosh Haseli, Shahriar Salimi, Haziar Dolatkhah, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2021)
Lower and upper bounds for unilateral coherence and applying them to the entropic uncertainty relations Haziar Dolatkhah, Sorosh Haseli, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2020)
Tightening the tripartite quantum-memory-assisted entropic uncertainty relation Haziar Dolatkhah, Sorosh Haseli, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2020)
Environment-mediated charging process of quantum batteries Fatemeh Tarighi Tabesh, Farzaneh Hatami Kamin, Shahriar Salimi (2020)
Entanglement, coherence, and charging process of quantum batteries Farzaneh Hatami Kamin, Fatemeh Tarighi Tabesh, Shahriar Salimi, Alan Santos (2020)
Entropic uncertainty relation in Garfinkle-Horowitz-Strominger dilation black hole Fariba Shahbazi, Sorosh Haseli, Haziar Dolatkhah, Shahriar Salimi (2020)
Non-Markovian effects on charging and self-discharging process of quantum batteries Farzaneh Hatami Kamin, Fatemeh Tarighi Tabesh, Shahriar Salimi, Fardin Kheirandish, Alan Santos (2020)
The entropy production for thermal operations Haziar Dolatkhah, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad, Sorosh Haseli (2020)
The resource theory of coherence for quantum channels Farzaneh Hatami Kamin, Fatemeh Tarighi Tabesh, Shahriar Salimi, Fardin Kheirandish (2020)
The lower bound of quantum memory-assisted entropic uncertainty and secret rate for two topological qubits under environments Sorosh Haseli, Haziar Dolatkhah, Hossian Rangani Jahromi, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2020)
Quantum speed limit time for correlated quantum channel Natasha Awasthi, Sorosh Haseli, Umesh Chandra Johri, Shahriar Salimi, Haziar Dolatkhah, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2020)
The quantum thermodynamic force responsible for quantum state transformation and the flow and backflow of information Ahmadi borhan, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad, Fardin Kheirandish (2019)
Controlling the entropic uncertainty lower bound in two-qubit systems under decoherence Sorosh Haseli, Haziar Dolatkhah, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2019)
Tightening the entropic uncertainty relations formultiple measurements and applying it to quantumcoherence Haziar Dolatkhah, Sorosh Haseli, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2019)
Time-invariant discord: high temperature limit and initial environmental correlations Fatemeh Tarighi Tabesh, Goktug Karpat, Sabrina Maniscalco, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2018)
Estimating phase with a random generator: Strategies and resources in multiparameter quantum metrology yosefjani rozhin, Rosanna Nichols, Shahriar Salimi, Gerardo Adesso (2017)
Witness for initial correlations among environments Fatemeh Tarighi Tabesh, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2017)
Enhancement of frequency estimation by spatially correlated environments yosefjani rozhin, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2017)
Noisy metrology: a saturable lower bound on quantum Fisher information yosefjani rozhin, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2017)
The Role of the Total Entropy Production in the Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems in Detection of Non-Markovianity Shahriar Salimi, Sorosh Haseli, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad, Farzin Adabi (2016)
Quantum Entanglement and Quantum Discord of a Two-Qubit System in a Dissipative Cavity hadi ayobi Sporzi, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2016)
Tightening the entropic uncertainty bound in the presence of quantum memory Farzin Adabi, Shahriar Salimi, Sorosh Haseli (2016)
Dynamics of entanglement and non-classical correlation for four-qubit GHZ state Pershing Espoukeh, Robabeh Rahimi, Shahriar Salimi, Pouria Pedram (2015)
A measure of non-Markovianity for unital quantum dynamical maps Sorosh Haseli, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2015)
Non-Markovianity through flow of information between a system and an environment Sorosh Haseli, Goktug Karpat, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad, Felipe Fernandez Fanchini, Paulo Henrique Souto Ribeiro, Stephan Patrick Walborn, G.H. Aguilar, Baris Cakmak (2014)
Nonlocal correlations for manifold quantum systems: Entanglement of two-spin states Kamal Berrada, Amir Mohammad zadeh, S. Abdel-Khalek, H. Eleuch, Shahriar Salimi (2012)
Quantum discord evolution of three-qubit states under noisy channels Mahmoud Mahdian, yosefjani rozhin, Shahriar Salimi (2012)
Perfect state transfer via quantum probability theory Shahriar Salimi, Saeed Ghorshipour, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2012)
Investigation of Preparation up to Six and N-Atom Graph States Shahriar Salimi, D. karami, Elias Salimi (2012)
D-Concurrence Bounds for Pair Coherent States Shahriar Salimi, A. Mohammadzade (2011)
Symmetry and Quantum transport on networks Shahriar Salimi, Roya RAdgohar, M.Mahdi Soltanzadeh (2010)
Pseudo-Hermitian continuous-time quantum walks Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2010)
INVESTIGATION OF QUANTUM ROULETTE Shahriar Salimi, M.Mahdi Soltanzadeh (2009)
Investigation of continuous-time quantum walk by using Krylov subspace-Lanczos algorithm Mohammad ali Jafari Zadeh, Rahmie Sofiyani, Shahriar Salimi, Saber Jafarizadeh (2007)
Conference Papers
Tightening entropic uncertainty relations for multiple measurements and application in quantum coherence Haziar Dolatkhah, Sorosh Haseli, Shahriar Salimi, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2018)
Quantum Thermodynamic Force and Flow Ahmadi borhan, Shahriar Salimi, Fardin Kheirandish, Arash Sorouri-Khorashad (2018)
Quantum Walk Shahriar Salimi (2009)
Quantum game Shahriar Salimi (2004)
Exergy and Quantum Batteries Farzaneh Hatami Kamin, Shahriar Salimi (2024)

Research interests

  • Quantum Information; Entanglement; Quantum Correlation; Open Quantum System; Foundation of Quantum Mechanics


  • فرهاد زارعی جعفرآبادی
    Name: Farhad Zaree Jafarabadi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Physics
    Thesis: Study of entropic uncertainty relations in quantum information an computation and open quantum systems
  • سعیده عبدالملکی
    Name: Saeideh Abdolmaleki
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Theoretical Physics
  • وریا فرشاد
    Name: Veria Farshad
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Theoretical Physics
  • شوکت علیپور
    Name: Shaokat Alipour
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Theoretical Physics
  • امیر محمدزاده
    Name: Amir Mohammadzadeh
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Theoretical Physics
  • بنفشه دیرنگ
    Name: Banafsheh Dairang
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Theoretical Physics
  • برهان احمدی
    Name: Borhan Ahmadi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Theoretical Physics
  • لیلا صحرایی
    Name: Laila Sahraiee
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Solid State
  • هژیر حسن خالی
    Name: Hazier Hassan khali
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Solid state
  • طیبه مکارمی
    Name: Tayebeh Makaremi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Thoeretical Physics
  • هادی ایوبی
    Name: Hadi Aiobi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Solid State
  • سیده شیما ابراهیمی
    Name: S. Shima Ebrahimi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: solid state
  • روژین یوسف جانی
    Name: Rozian Yosefjani
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Theoretical Physics
  • سروش حاصلی
    Name: Soroush Haseli
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Quantum information and computation
  • فرزین آدابی
    Name: Farzin Adabi
    AcademicLevel: PHD
    Field: Quantum information computation
  • داریوش کرمی
    Name: Daroush Karami
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Theoretical Physics
  • سعید قرشی پور
    Name: Saeed Ghoreshipour
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Solid State
  • رویا رادگهر
    Name: Roy's Radgohar
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Theoretical Physics

Executive activities

  • Head of Faculty of Science (1397 - 1400)
  • Vice chancellor for research affairs of Faculty of Sciences (1395 - 1397)
  • Head of department of Physics (1388 - 1390)