We study the classical and quantum transport processes on some ¯nite networks and model them by continuous-time random walks (CTRW) and continuous-time quantum walks (CTQW), respectively. We calculate the classical and quantum transition probabilities between two nodes of the network. We numerically show that there is a high probability to ¯nd the walker at the initial node for CTQWs on the underlying networks due to the interference phenomenon, even for long times. To get global information (independent of the starting node) about the transport e±ciency, we average the return probability over all nodes of the network. We apply the decay rate and the asymptotic value of the average of the return probability to evaluate the transport e±ciency. Our numerical results prove that the existence of the symmetry in the underlying networks makes quantum transport less e±cient than the classical one. In addition, we find that the increasing of the symmetry of these networks decreases the efficiency of quantum transport on them.