Solvatochromic linear alvation energy relationships (LSER) for solubility of gases in various solvents by target factor analysis
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپشده در مجلات علمی
LSER; Tar get fac tor anal y sis; Gas sol ubility; Sol vent.
A lin ear sol va tion free en ergy re la tion ship has been con ducted to study the ef fects of sol vent and sol ute prop er ties on the free en ergy of sol va tion of in ert gases and nor mal al kanes in dif fer ent sol vents. Fac tor anal y - sis com bined with tar get fac tor anal y sis was used to iden tify and quan tify the fac tors con trol ling the vari a tion of free en er gies of sol va tion, with out the need to pos tu late any pri ori hy po thet i cal method. Fac tor anal y sis of the sol va tion data re vealed that there are two fac tors af fect ing the sol u bil ity of both types of gases in non-polar as well as po lar sol vents. Tar get test ing of the sol vent pa ram e ters in di cated that the Hildebrand sol u bil ity pa - ram e ter of sol vents is the ma jor fac tor con trol ling the sol u bil ity of gases. More over, i t was found that the co ef - fi cient of the Hildebrand sol u bil ity pa ram e ter in the lin ear sol va tion free en ergy equa tions has lin ear cor re la - tion with en ergy of va por iza tion and Lennard-Jones force pa ram e ter of in ert gases and num b er of car bon at - oms and en ergy of va por iza tion of nor mal al kanes.
مجتبی شمسی پور (نفر اول)، رئوف قوامی زروان (نفر دوم)، بهرام همتی نژاد (نفر سوم)، هاشم شرقی (نفر چهارم)