مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Integrating machine learning ...
عنوان Integrating machine learning with experimental investigation for optimizing photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B using neodymium-doped titanium dioxide: a comprehensive approach with toxicity assessment
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Nd-doped TiO2, ANN modeling, Particle characterization, Danio rerio
چکیده In this study, neodymium-doped titanium dioxide (Nd-TiO2) nanoparticles were synthesized via a hydrothermal method for the photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine B (RhB) under UV and sunlight conditions. The properties of these NPs were comprehensively characterized. And optimization of RhB degradation was conducted using control-variable experiment and artificial neural networks (ANN) under various operational conditions and in the presence of competing compounds. The acute toxicity of both NPs, RhB, and the environmental impact of the photocatalytic treatment effluent on Danio rerio were evaluated. The Nd modification increased the catalyst’s specific surface area and thermal stability. X-ray diffraction confirmed the tetragonal anatase phase in undoped TiO2, while Nd-doped TiO2 exhibited shifts in peaks and the presence of brookite and rutile phases. Nd (1 mol%) doped TiO2 demonstrated superior RhB photocatalytic degradation efficiency, achieving 95% degradation and 82% total organic carbon (TOC) removal within 60 min under UV irradiation. Optimization under sunlight conditions yielded 95.14% RhB removal with 0.28 g/L photocatalyst and 1% doping. Under UV light, 98.12% RhB removal was optimized with 0.97% doping, along with the presence of humic acid and CaCl2. ANN modeling achieved high precision (R2 of 0.99) in modeling environmental photocatalysis. Toxicity assessments indicated that the 96-h LC50 values were 681.59 mg L−1 for both NPs, and 23.02 mg L−1 for RhB. The treated dye solution exhibited a significant decline in toxicity, emphasizing the potential of 1% Nd-TiO2 in wastewater treatment.
پژوهشگران شادی کهزادی (نفر اول)، میرکو بانداش (نفر دوم)، رضا رضایی (نفر سوم)، نادر مرزبان (نفر چهارم)، ذکریا وهاب زاده (نفر پنجم)، نادر امینی (نفر ششم به بعد)، بهزاد شاهمرادی (نفر ششم به بعد)، سید علی جوهری (نفر ششم به بعد)، افشین ملکی (نفر ششم به بعد)