مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Critical points for the ...
عنوان Critical points for the design and application of RNA silencing constructs for plant virus resistance
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Plant resistance, Plant viruses, RNAi, Breeding
چکیده Control of plant virus diseases is a big challenge in agriculture as is resistance in plant lines to infection by viruses. Recent progress using advanced technologies has provided fast and durable alternatives. One of the most promising techniques against plant viruses that is cost-effective and environmentally safe is RNA silencing or RNA interference (RNAi), a technology that could be used alone or along with other control methods. To achieve the goals of fast and durable resistance, the expressed and target RNAs have been examined in many studies, with regard to the variability in silencing efficiency, which is regulated by various factors such as target sequences, target accessibility, RNA secondary structures, sequence variation in matching positions, and other intrinsic characteristics of various small RNAs. Developing a comprehensive and applicable toolbox for the prediction and construction of RNAi helps researchers to achieve the acceptable performance level of silencing elements. Although the attainment of complete prediction of RNAi robustness is not possible, as it also depends on the cellular genetic background and the nature of the target sequences, some important critical points have been discerned. Thus, the efficiency and robustness of RNA silencing against viruses can be improved by considering the various parameters of the target sequence and the construct design. In this review, we provide a comprehensive treatise regarding past, present and future prospective developments toward designing and applying RNAi constructs for resistance to plant viruses
پژوهشگران پیتر پولکیتیس (نفر ششم به بعد)، آیسان قاسم زاده (نفر پنجم)، مسعود اکبری مطلق (نفر اول)، مجید جعفری (نفر چهارم)، مسعود شمس بخش (نفر سوم)، عبدالباسط عزیزی (نفر دوم)