مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Fusarium and allied fusarioid ...
عنوان Fusarium and allied fusarioid taxa (FUSA). 1
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Longinectria multi-gene phylogeny Nectriaceae Neocosmospora new taxa systematics typification
چکیده Seven Fusarium species complexes are treated, namely F. aywerte species complex (FASC) (two species), F. buharicum species complex (FBSC) (five species), F. burgessii species complex (FBURSC) (three species), F. camptoceras species complex (FCAMSC) (three species), F. chlamydosporum species complex (FCSC) (eight species), F. citricola species complex (FCCSC) (five species) and the F. concolor species complex (FCOSC) (four species). New species include Fusicolla elongata from soil (Zimbabwe), and Neocosmospora geoasparagicola from soil associated with Asparagus officinalis (Netherlands). New combinations include Neocosmospora akasia, N. awan, N. drepaniformis, N. duplosperma, N. geoasparagicola, N. mekan, N. papillata, N. variasi and N. warna. Newly validated taxa include Longinectria gen. nov., L. lagenoides, L. verticilliforme, Fusicolla gigas and Fusicolla guangxiensis. Furthermore, Fusarium rosicola is reduced to synonymy under N. brevis. Finally, the genome assemblies of Fusarium secorum (CBS 175.32), Microcera coccophila (CBS 310.34), Rectifusarium robinianum (CBS 430.91), Rugonectria rugulosa (CBS 126565), and Thelonectria blattea (CBS 952.68) are also announced here
پژوهشگران جعفر عبداله زاده (نفر ششم به بعد)، میکی ستارینک (نفر ششم به بعد)، آرین فان ایپرن (نفر پنجم)، مایک کوستا (نفر سوم)، ژوهانس گرونوالد (نفر چهارم)، مارسلو ساندووال-دنیس (نفر دوم)، پدرو کروس (نفر اول)