مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Early Barremian orbitolinid ...
عنوان Early Barremian orbitolinid record from the Moghan area, NW Iran: Northern margin of the Neotethys
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Orbitolinids Barremian Tethys Iran Moghan Micropaleontology
چکیده Orbitolinid foraminifers are reported for the first time from lower Barremian shallow marine carbonate deposits of the Moghan area, NW Iran. According to geologic map of the Razi, these rocks were previously assigned to general age of the Early Cretaceous. The early Barremian age is documented based on stratigraphic range of the marker Valserina turbinata (Foury). Other orbitolinids such as Eopalorbitolina charollaisi Schroeder, Eopalorbitolina pertenuis (Foury), Paleodictyoconus cf. cuvillieri (Foury), Montseciella cf. alguerensis Cherchi and Schroeder, Paracoskinolina cf. maynci (Chevalier), Orbitolinopsis cf. buccifer Arnaud-Vanneau and Thieuloy, and Dictyoconus? pachymarginalis Schroeder also coexist. Obtained biostratigraphic data suggest that the range of Dictyoconus? pachymarginalis, hitherto known from the Aptian, has to be extended into the early Barremian. Most of the orbitolinid taxa are well known in Europe as northern Tethyan margin endemic forms. Therefore, the study area can be considered as part of the northern Tethys margin during the Barremian. This study also extends the palaeobiogeographic distribution of northern Tethyan orbitolinids eastwards as far as northwest Iran.
پژوهشگران محمد شریفی (نفر سوم)، پریسا عباسی (نفر ششم به بعد)، فرشته سجادی (نفر پنجم)، بهروز آریافر (نفر چهارم)، مهدی صرفی (نفر دوم)، محسن یزدی مقدم (نفر اول)