مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Solving calculus of variation ...
عنوان Solving calculus of variation problems via multiquadric radial basis function method with optimal shape parameter
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Brachistochrone problem; calculus of variation; error analysis; multiquadric radial basis function; numerical results; RBF
چکیده n this paper we present callocation method for solving the problems in the calculus of variation (CV) using multiquadratic radial basis functions (MQRBFs). In this method we use the Gauss quadrature rule for approximating the integral in CV problems. The effects of the shape parameter of MQRBFs on the convergence of the method have been discussed. Illustrative examples are included to evaluate the capability of the proposed method.
پژوهشگران آزاد کس نزانی (نفر دوم)، امجد علی پناه (نفر اول)