مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /The secret of the world fame ...
عنوان The secret of the world fame of Sherko Bekas poetry
نوع پژوهش سخنرانی
کلیدواژه‌ها Contemporary Kurdish Poetry, Sherko Bekas, Freedom, Woman, Story - Poetry.
چکیده Sherko Bekas (1940-2013) is a contemporary Kurdish poet, winner of the Swedish Toholski Prize in 1987-1988, recipient of the title of Citizen by the Italian Civic Association of France. His books have been translated into English, French, Italian, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Arabic, Persian, Turkish and Bengali. These cases, along with the inclusion of his poems in the textbooks of several countries around the world, have established him as a well-known figure in the world. Part of this is the world's attention to the universal concepts of his poetry, such as freedom, human concepts, and the expression of the pains and sufferings of life, which are the common pain of all human beings on earth; these issues, along with his special style of poetry, have been able to place his Poetry in the hearts of the people and welcome it. The pains that he and the people of his land have well understood. This article examines his poetic motifs and wants to describe some of his poetic tricks.
پژوهشگران سید احمد پارسا (نفر اول)