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صفحه نخست /Sports diplomacy, soft power ...
عنوان Sports diplomacy, soft power in improving stable peace
نوع پژوهش مقاله ارائه شده کنفرانسی
کلیدواژه‌ها sports diplomacy , peace , software ( soft strength)
چکیده Sport has the power to guide or lead people from the gymnasium to get olympics cup . Sport had the abolity to unite all over the world and coopreate it and as Nelson Mandela , s saying : sport can change the world and it can cooperate and unite people of the world such that they can undrestand each other. Sport can create hope when there has been only despair and finally it is more successful than the governments in breaking the racial obstacles.Sport can provide unique opportunities to interact with the neibours and reinforce national interests and provide the possibility to penetrate and develop in the region. The potentials of the sport to relate with the neibors and penetrate in the region as thesoft power of the sports diplomacy including Paving the way to use and experience to play elite atheltes , support to develop more in the field of sport in the developing countries , allow to relate with other nations and cultures in relation to the common sports experiences.Governments can use sport to gather people, create good intent and create cooperatoon around the world and get a credit and brand as the messenger of the world peace in their own related countries.Sport is known as an international means and it can remove the cultural obstacles and can help to improve the interests , values and national identity in a double form and also can act as a bridge among peope and can enhance the credit of the exporting country of the sports diplomacy in the workd arena
پژوهشگران کاظم اعظمی (نفر دوم)، سردار محمدی (نفر اول)