A non-iterative domain decomposition method for the forward-backward heat equation
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپشده در مجلات علمی
Forward-backward heat equation, Non-overlapping domain decomposition, Finite difference, Non-iterative method
A non-overlapping domain decomposition technique applied to the finite difference method is presented for the numerical solution of the forward-backward heat equation in the case of one-dimension. While the previous attempts to deal with this problem have been based on an iterative domain decomposition scheme, the current work avoid iterations. Also a physical matching condition is suggested to avoid difficulties caused by the interface boundary nodes and obtain a square system of equations. In addition, the convergence and stability of the proposed method is investigated. Some numerical experiments are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
سیامک بانه (نفر اول)، کمال شانظری (نفر دوم)