مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Geospatial Applications for ...
عنوان Geospatial Applications for Natural Resources Management
نوع پژوهش کتاب
کلیدواژه‌ها Drainage Morphometry; Tectonic Activity; Remote Sensing, Kurdistan
چکیده Integration of morphometric and morphotectonic analysis with remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) techniques is useful in quantifying the possible tectonic activity within a specific area. Such an integrated analysis was conducted in this study for the Qorveh–Dehgolan basin using 11 parameters. While morphometric parameters included stream order (U), stream number (Nu), stream length (Lu), and drainage density (Dd), morphotectonic indices include stream length-gradient index (Sl), drainage basin asymmetry (Af), hypsometric curve (HC), hypsometric integral (HI), elongation ratio (Re), stream sinuosity (K), and basin slope (Sb). The study area is part of the Sanandaj–Sirjan zone belonging to the Zagros orogenic belt. Because the study area is mainly a low relief basin, relevant indices like sinuosity (K), basin slope (Sb), and elongation ratio (Re) were primarily used to account appropriately for such a physiographic condition. The whole area was divided into eight microwatersheds to have comparative results. Analysis of all 11 parameters revealed that basins that are located at a lower altitude are actually old where depositional and geomorphic processes control the area, whereas tectonic activity plays an important role in watershed hydrology of mountainous parts of the study area.
پژوهشگران پیام سجادی (نفر اول)، آمیت سینگ (نفر دوم)، سومیترا موخرجی (نفر سوم)، هارشیتا آستانا (نفر چهارم)، پینگ پینگ لو (نفر پنجم)، کامران چپی (نفر ششم به بعد)