Genetic and chloroplast haplotype variations of 35 Iranian genotypes and 10 European grape cultivars were investigated using 9 nuclear simple sequence repeats (nSSRs), 4 chloroplast simple sequence repeats (cpSSRs) and 46 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. In total, 83 alleles were detected at nine nSSRs, giving a mean of 15.66 alleles per locus and polymorphism information content (PIC) values ≥0.75 ranged from 0.75 to 0.90. For SNP markers, PIC values varied from 0.30 to 0.39 with an average of 0.34. Analysis of molecular variance revealed 97 and 93% of partitioned genetic diversity within populations using nSSRs and SNPs markers, respectively. Un-weighted neighbour-joining (NJ) cluster analysis grouped grapes into 10 and 9 major clusters using SSR and SNP markers, respectively. Synonyms and homonyms were identified among the Iranian genotypes. Close genetic relationship among Farkhi and Bidane-Sefid genotypes may probably propose a common ancestor and mutational evolution. Most European cultivars were differentiated from Iranian genotypes, however, clustering of some Iranian genotypes with European cultivars in the same clusters suggests that clonally propagated materials have probably been exchanged from the Middle East to West or vice versa. C and D chloroplast haplotypes were the most frequent within the Iranian genotypes, while A chloroplast haplotype was exclusively observed among European cultivars.