مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /André Brink’s Rumors of Rain: ...
عنوان André Brink’s Rumors of Rain: An Intersection of Entangled Liminal Beings
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Apartheid; André Brink; Afrikaners; Ethnicities; Anti-Structured Entity; Liminality; South Africa.
چکیده This paper endeavors to address the socio-political situation of ethnicities’ lives through literature. André Brink is a South African novelist whose Rumors of Rain (1978) demonstrates the situation of ethnicities during apartheid. Victor Witter Turner (1920-1983) is a British cultural anthropologist whose concept of liminality will be exclusively studied in this paper. Brink’s novels have been examined by different researchers. However, most of them have demonstrated either historical characteristics of his novels or a particular ethnic group in them. Although like the colors in a rainbow one ethnic group may allocate a greater range than others, such a suffering regardless of their ethnicity and color, gathers them in the same structural spot and provides them with the relatively same socio-political condition. The significance of the present research is relevant to the very fact that the dominant impression supposes the blacks to be in a more in-between situation; however, this research reveals liminality in the lives of other ethnic groups as well. The present paper comes up with this conclusion that different ethnicities are like the guests in a carnival who are welcomed equally without any priority and superiority. South Africa has become an anti-structured entity in which the boundaries between high and low are broken and due to the fixation of the beings in liminality, the very liminality itself seems to have become an integral component of South Africa.
پژوهشگران گلچین امانی (نفر اول)، ذکریا بزدوده (Zakarya Bezdoode) (نفر دوم)