Bi-objective covering tour location routing problem with replenishment at intermediate depots: Formulation and meta-heuristics
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپشده در مجلات علمی
Location routing problem, Humanitarian logistics, Intermediate facility, NSGAII algorithm
The Covering tour Location Routing Problem with Replenishment at intermediate depots (CLRPR) is an extension of location routing problem with service time restriction, replenishment at intermediate depots, and customer mobility in a predefined walking distance. Among the different applications of the problem, this study concentrates on the post-earthquake relief distribution system. This paper represents a new bi-objective integer linear programming model that minimizes the total weighted waiting time and the total amount of lost demands. The mathematical model is coded in GAMS software and solved optimally by Cplex solver with epsilon-constraint method. In order to cope with the NP-hardness feature of the problem, the NSGAII multi-objective algorithm with two distinct improvements are proposed as heuristic solution procedures. The results of 36 randomly generated test problems were analyzed in terms of quality, quantity, diversity and spread of Pareto front solutions.
آرمان نجاتی (نفر اول)، گوکهان ایزبیراک (نفر دوم)، جمال ارکات (نفر سوم)