Abstract The present study focuses on the emergence of a new discourse that has arisen from the discourse of two western leaders, Bush and Obama's orations, as the advocates of two republican and democratic parties, respectively. This paper goes on examining the coverage of the terms and conceptions in the discourse of two ex-presidents of USA after 9/11. The purpose of this study is to analyze the lexicons and terms, which have emerged in the elements of western discourse to the heart of democracy. Further, in democratic discourse, the researchers seek the relations, which are between language and power. In this way, Fairclough (1995) notes that a question of democracy is the relationship existing between language and power. Discourse analysts have a salient role to play here in preparing analyses and providing critical educators with resources of what we have called ‘critical language awareness’. The present study investigates different perceptions (opinion, feelings, attitudes, etc.) in the discourse of two ex-presidents of USA, and how such perceptions were encoded in the ideologically based discursive patterns (lexical choices). The methodology of the present study is based on Critical Discourse Analysis (henceforth CDA). CDA is concerned with both discourse as the instrument of power and with discourse as the instrument of the social construction of reality.