مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /IdeoKar: An ideogram ...
عنوان IdeoKar: An ideogram constructing and karyotype analyzing software
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها IdeoKar software; Karyotyping; Ideogram; Chromosome; Cytogenetics
چکیده Ideogram is a diagrammatic or idealized representation of the chromosomes showing their relative size, homologous groups and varieties of cytogenetic landmarks. Chromosomal analysis of cytological preparations is an essential component of many investigations which involves calculation of karyotypic parameters and generation of ideogram. We generated IdeoKar, a free and user-friendly karyotype analysis software that facilitates the data collection from different digital images of the metaphase chromosome spreads and calculates a wide variety of chromosomal and karyotypic parameters along with the related standard errors which can be saved as an Excel file. This software is also capable to draw ideogram of both diploid and allopolyploid species into a single image file. IdeoKar is designed to make fast and efficient karyotype analysis and ideogram generation. It can be used with personal computers without any specific hardware. This software and related documentation is freely available at the website of the University of Kurdistan at: http://agri.uok.ac.ir/ideokar/index.html.
پژوهشگران قادر میرزاقادری (نفر اول)، کریم مرزنگی (نفر دوم)