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صفحه نخست /Locating Sports Facilities in ...
عنوان Locating Sports Facilities in City of Talesh by Using AHP in the GIS Environment
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Talesh city, Locating, Sporting uses, urban planning, GIS.
چکیده Early twenty-first century years were associated with a big change in human life. These changes in the context of economic, culture and social relations globalization have been influenced human life and are manifest the reflection of these relationships in the especially spatial effects in cities. Undoubtedly the most important feature of this century was opening new perspectives in human settlements and unprecedented concentration of population in major cities. Currently one of the most important problems in the cities of our country is the improper establishment of lands including sports, cultural and recreational places, so a lot of people due to its inaccessibility cannot take enough advantage of existing facilities or causes urban problems such as traffic and spending time and cost for users. Since Sporting venues, are considered as social areas in human settlements, creating appropriate Sporting venues for public health and also the availability of these places for every citizens can act as an important factor for social and psychological health of citizens. Undoubtedly management and a good and successful implementation of physical education and sports programs require providing a set of conditions and facilities. The most important of these factors include creating and developing and optimal utilization of conditions and sport facilities and providing necessary facilities to easy access of sports Enthusiasts to these areas. Talesh city uses 7500 talented and covered athletes, but unfortunately it is while the capitation of sport in this city has not reached its standard level not and it face a long way to reach the recommended level which requires physical spatial planning and practical urban management. Given that the geographic information system GIS is used in various fields such as locating firefighting stations, hospitals, schools, universities and other places, so it seems that using this system is an effective method for sporting venues selection.
پژوهشگران مهدی جعفری جولاندان (نفر چهارم)، سردار محمدی (نفر سوم)، مهرعلی همتی نژاد (نفر دوم)، غزاله اختر (نفر اول)