Predicting Seismogram at Far Source Site Using Omega-Squared Source Spectrum Model
نوع پژوهش
مقاله چاپشده در مجلات علمی
Point Source, Finite Fault, Quality Factor, Synthetic Seismogram, Uncertainty
This article is intended to predict a seismogram at sites other than those from which the model is calibrated using the two well-known stochastic point-source and finite-fault approaches. The two models are implemented on the 2005 Zarand earthquake as a case study. For this purpose, the models are validated against recordings at four stations through demonstrating a good agreement between the elastic response spectra corresponding to the synthesized and recorded data, confirming the reliability of the two models. Additionally, a quality factor and maximum cut-off frequency are proposed for the Zarand region (Iran). It is concluded that the models can be used to predict seismogram for engineering purposes in the Zarand region.
احمد نیک نام (نفر اول)، محسن عیسی (نفر دوم)، آزاد یزدانی (نفر سوم)، سامان یغمائی سابق (نفر چهارم)، یاسر اسلامیان (نفر پنجم)