Depirtn1cnt of nalytieal chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz, ‘l’abriz 2Deparlment oIChemistrv, Faculty of Science. Kurdistan University. Sanandaj, Iran The sot-gel technique is a new, simple and renewable method for the preparation of the modified electrodes and solid electrolytes. The ability to form inorganic-organic hybrids and other composite materials and the versatility of’ tailoring thin film configurations under near ambient conditions make it especially attractive for diverse fields of electrochemistry [I]. This method oilers the possibility of preparing glassy materials at room temperature that can support the immobilization of different reagents. The sol-gel method is especially well suited l’or thin film fabrication and electrochemistry studies due to their excellent physical and chemical siabIl!ty and the ease with which they can be preparing (2!. The eiectroless sol-gel technique was used for the construction of cobalt hexacyanoferrat (CoHCF) modified carbon composite electrodes (CCL).