2025 : 1 : 14
Mohammad Darand

Mohammad Darand

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 26664517400
Faculty: Faculty of Natural Resources
Address: سنندج، دانشگاه کردستان، دانشکده منابع طبیعی، گروه آب و هواشناسی
Phone: 08736620551


I was born in Bukan, West Azerbaijan Province, Iran, in 1984. I received the B.Sc. degree in Climatology from the University of Tarbiat Moallem, Tehran, Iran, in 2006, the M.Sc. degree in Climatology in Environmental Planning from the University of Tarbiat Modares, Iran, in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in Synoptic Climatology from the University of Isfahan in 2011. In 2011, i joined the Department of Climatology, University of Kurdistan, as an academic member and Assistance Professor. My interests area are Climate Change, Synoptic Climatology, and Dynamic Climatology.


  • BSc. in Climatology , Tarbiat Moallem Tehran , Iran (2002 - 2006)
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  • PhD. in Climatology (Synoptic Climatology) , Isfahan , Iran (2008 - 2011)
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  • MSc. in Climatology in Environmental Planning , Tarbiat Modares University , Iran (2006 - 2008)
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Research activities

Journal Papers
Prediction of air quality using vertical atmospheric condition and developing hybrid models Fariba Karimi, Jamil Amanollahi, Marzieh Reisi Varzaneh, Mohammad Darand (2023)
Shifting the Sowing Date of Winter Wheat as a Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in a Mediterranean-Type Environment Behnam Rezaie, Farzad Hosseinpanahi, Adel Siosemardeh, Mohammad Darand, Mohammad Banayyan (2022)
Identifying the moisture source of precipitation in the southern coasts of the Caspian Sea Hossein Mir mosavi, Mohammad Darand, Somayeh Ahmadpour (2020)
Impacts of cold and hot temperatures on mortality rate in Isfahan, Iran Rozhan Gholampour, Mohammad Darand, Amir hossein Halabian (2019)
High accuracy of precipitation reanalyses resulted in good river discharge simulations in a semi-arid basin MohammadReza Eni, Saman Javadi, Majid Delavar, José A.F Monteiro, Mohammad Darand (2019)
Vertically integrated moisture flux convergence over Iran Mohammad Darand, Farshad Pazhoh (2019)
Trend analysis of tropospheric specific humidity over Iran during 1979–2016 Mohammad Darand, Farshad Pazhoh, Mohammad Saligheh (2019)
Analysis of pervasive precipitation in similar gradient areas of Iran Hossein Asakereh, Mohammad Darand, Mehdi Dostkamian (2018)
Synoptic conditions leading to extremely warm periods in Western Iran Mohammad Darand, Ricardo Garcia-Herrera, Hossein Asakereh, Roya Amiri, David Barriopedro (2018)
Spatial Autocorrelation Analysis of Extreme Precipitation in Iran Mohammad Darand, Mehdi Dostkamyan, Muhammad Ishaq Asif Rehmani (2017)
Spatial and temporal trend analysis of temperature extremes based on Iranian climatic database (1962–2004) Mohammad Darand, Seied Abolfazl Masudian, Hamid Nazaripour, Mohammad Reza Mansouri Daneshvar (2015)
Variation of agro-climatic indices in Kurdistan province of Iran within 1962–2012 Mohammad Darand, Mohammad Reza Mansouri Daneshvar (2015)
Synoptic analysis of extreme cold days in Iran Seied Abolfazl Masudian, Mohammad Darand (2011)
Recognition of Tehran weather types Seied Abolfazl Masudian, Mohammad hosayn Gholizadeh, Mohammad Darand (2009)
Forecasting precipitation with Artificial Neural Networks (case study: Tehran) Mohammad hosayn Gholizadeh, Mohammad Darand (2009)
Conference Papers

Research interests

  • Statistical Climatology
  • Dynamic Climatology
  • Synoptic Climatology
  • Climate Change


  • حدیث یاسمی
    Name: Haddis Yasemi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Climatology
  • بیتا سوری
    Name: Bita Souri
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Climatology
  • پروین احمدآقایی
    Name: Parvin AhmadAghaee
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Climatology
  • فرهاد امینی
    Name: Farhad Amini
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Climatology
  • سمیه کریمی
    Name: Somaye Karimi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Climatology
  • بهروز ابراهیمی
    Name: Behroz Abrahimi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Climatology
  • رویا امیری
    Name: Roya Amiri
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Climatology
  • سوما زندکریمی
    Name: Soma Zandkarimi
    AcademicLevel: Master
    Field: Applied Climatology

Executive activities

  • Vice Dean of Research in Faculty of Natural Resources (1396 - 1401)
  • Head of Climatology Department (1394 - 1396)

Image Gallery

کارگاه کاربرد داده های ماهواره ای در آب و هواشناسی کارگاه کاربرد داده های ماهواره ای در آب و هواشناسی. کارگاه کاربرد داده های ماهواره ای در آب و هواشناسی. پروفسور سید ابوالفضل مسعودیان کارگاه کاربرد داده های ماهواره ای در آب و هواشناسی.. فارغ التحصیلی دانشجویان ورودی 88 آب و هواشناسی.. فارغ التحصیلی دانشجویان ورودی 88 آب و هواشناسی فارغ التحصیلی دانشجویان ورودی 88 آب و هواشناسی.