2025 : 3 : 13
Himan Nourbakhsh

Himan Nourbakhsh

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 124
Faculty: Faculty of Agriculture
Address: Dept. of Food Sci. & Eng., Faculty of Agri., University of Kurdistan
Phone: داخلی 3219


  • PhD. in Food Science and Technology , University of Tehran , Iran (2011 - 2016)
    Thesis title: Design of a one-pot process based on liquid membrane for phenolic acids extraction - nanoparticulation and modeling of core release
  • MSc. in Food Science and Technology , University of Tehran , Iran (2009 - 2011)
    Thesis title:
  • BSc. in Food Science and Technology , University of Tehran , Iran (2005 - 2009)
    Thesis title:


Research activities

Journal Papers
Conference Papers
Efficiency of nanoemulsion of essential oils to control Botrytis cinerea on strawberry surface and prolong fruit shelf life Zahra Javanmardi, Mahmoud Koushesh Saba, Himan Nourbakhsh, Jahanshir Amini (2023)
Boosting the immune system with functional compounds during the Covid-19 pandemic: A Review Parisa Rasolabadi, Masoud Rasolabadi, Himan Nourbakhsh (2022)
The influence of Ohmic‐vacuum heating on phenol, ascorbic acid and engineering factors of kiwifruit juice concentration process Hosain Darvishi, Nasser Behroozi-Khazaei, Mahmoud Koushesh Saba, Zakaria Alimohammadi, Himan Nourbakhsh (2021)
Improving quality and quantity attributes of grape juice concentrate (molasses) using ohmic heating Hosain Darvishi, Mahmoud Koushesh Saba, Nasser Behroozi-Khazaei, Himan Nourbakhsh (2020)
One-pot nanoparticulation of potentially bioactive peptides and gallic acid encapsulation Himan Nourbakhsh, Ashkan Madadlou, Zahra Emam-djomeh, Yi-Cheng Wang, Sundaram Gunasekaran (2016)
One-Pot Procedure for Recovery of Gallic Acid from Wastewater and Encapsulation within Protein Particles Himan Nourbakhsh, Ashkan Madadlou, Zahra Emam-djomeh, Yi-Cheng Wang, Sundaram Gunasekaran, Mohammad Mousavi (2016)
Antioxidant Peptidic Particles for Delivery of Gallic Acid Himan Nourbakhsh, Zahra Emam-djomeh, Ashkan Madadlou, Mohammad Mousavi, Ali A. Moosavi-Movahedi, Sundaram Gunasekaran (2015)
Prediction of red plum juice permeate flux during membrane processing with ANN optimized using RSM Himan Nourbakhsh, Zahra Emam-djomeh, Mahmoud omid, Hossein Mirsaeedghazi, sohrab moeini (2013)
Study of different fouling mechanisms during membrane clarification of red plum juice Himan Nourbakhsh, Zahra Emam-djomeh, Hossein Mirsaeedghazi, Mahmoud omid, sohrab moeini (2013)

Research interests

  • Growing shelf-life of perishable foods using nanobioparticles
  • Fabrication of nanobioparticles via nanoemulsion and microemulsion
  • Microencapsulation of bioactive compounds and nutraceuticals
  • Food biopolymeric nano-structures and nano-carriers