محسن دانش مسگران

صفحه نخست /محسن دانش مسگران
محسن دانش مسگران
نام و نام خانوادگی محسن دانش مسگران
شغل عضو هیئت علمی سایر دانشگاههای داخل کشور
تحصیلات دکترای تخصصی
پست الکترونیک
1 Effect of air temperature of a tower heat-dryer on in vitro digestibility of organic matter and metabolozable energy content of brewer's grain
2 Effect of peppermint (Mentha piperita) essential oil on in vitro gas production parameters of lucerne hay and cottonseed hulls
3 Nitrogen fractionations, in situ ruminal degradation and post-ruminal crude protein disappearance of overheat and overheat-xylose processed guar meal
4 The effect of non-fibre carbohydrates supplementation on methanogenesis bacteria and protozoa populations in rumen fluid as determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction
5 Effect of various Iranian native medicinal herbs or spices on in vitro ruminal disappearance of lucerne hay
6 Effect of cumin essential oil on in vitro gas production parameters of alfalfa hay, barley grain and sugar beet pulp.
7 Effect of fennel (Foeniculume vulgare) essential oil on in vitro gas production parameters of alfalfa hay supplemented with sucrose or starch.
8 In vitro effect of peppermint (Mentha piperita) essential oil and non-fiber carbohydrates on gas production parameters of alfalfa hay.
9 Effect of supplemented diet by sucrose or starch on fungi populations in rumen fluid as determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction in Holstein steers
10 Screening the activity of medicinal plants or spices on in vitro ruminal methane production
11 The effect of various semi-arid native plant essential oils on in vitro acid load of a low forage diet
12 Effect of various semi-arid medicinal plant essential oils on in vitro ruminal methane emission and feed fermentation efficiency.
13 Effects of semi-arid medicinal herb essential oils on growth of pure culture of Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens SH13.
14 تأثیر اسانس های گیاهی بر بار اسیدی مایع شکمبه گوسفند در شرایط برون تنی
15 تأثیر اسانس برخی از چاشنیها و دانه گیاهان دارویی بر فراسنجه های تولید گاز علف خشک یونجه در شرایط آزمایشگاهی
16 مقایسه تغییرات وزن گوسفند بلوچی در چرای مراتع استپی جنوب خراسان- مطالعه موردی گناباد