مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Impact of carbon emissions ...
عنوان Impact of carbon emissions regulation on producer and consumer transportation decisions in green supply chain design under uncertainty
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Green Supply Chain Design, Facility Location, Service Levels, Scenario-Based Approach, cap-and-trade policy
چکیده The purpose of this article is to pay attention to the coverage distance of stores, as one of the key features of the consumer market. This factor can have many effects on economic and environmental issues as well as on the service level. In this paper, two models are proposed. In the first model, the location and allocation of stores are discussed using the maximum coverage method, and in the second model, the optimal number of products is calculated and the network costs and pollution are minimized. GAMS software with CPLEX solver was used to solve mixed linear integer programming under the uncertainty of demand parameters, maximum coverage distance, and carbon trade price in different scenarios. Due to the lack of law to minimize the amount of pollution caused by transportation in Iran, the cap-and-trade policy was used in the supply chain of the Bistoon sugar factory in Kermanshah. The results showed that increasing the coverage distance, in addition to reducing the level of customer service, will also increase the overall costs of the manufacturer and network pollution. Also, despite the costly implementation of environmental policies, by replacement of green vehicles, the overall costs of the network have not increased.
پژوهشگران علیرضا عیدی (نفر اول)، سپیده هاشم باغنی (نفر دوم)