مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Robust economic-resilient ...
عنوان Robust economic-resilient operational planning of distribution networks considering multi-microgrids black-start service
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها ,Multi-Microgrids ,Resiliency ,Black-start strategy ,Bilateral contract Demand response
چکیده The increasing growth of natural disasters and cyber-physical attacks has made the development of resilience enhancement strategies for distribution networks a signifcant challenge for operators. Hence, in this paper, a black-start strategy based on multi-microgrids capability is developed as a two-layer preventive-corrective measure within a cost-effective energy management framework. The preventive layer includes regulating bilateral contracts between the active distribution network operator and the multi-microgrids owner pre-event. The corrective layer includes islanding microgrids during the event, calling the responsive loads, and economicresilient operational planning of the active distribution network post-event. In this regard, a hybrid robust multiobjective optimization approach is applied to model the proposed black-start strategy as a risk-averse portfolio. The effectiveness of the developed model is tested on the modifed IEEE 33-bus distribution network. Results such as an 83.38 % load recovery of the active distribution network, a 65.78 % reduction in distribution system operator costs, and a 131.28 % increase in multi-microgrid owner proft clearly illustrate the enhanced resilience of the active distribution network within an economically robust framework, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed strategy.
پژوهشگران سمیرا صلاحی (نفر اول)، نوید رضایی (نفر دوم)، جمال مشتاق (نفر سوم)