This scientometric analysis aimed to study the accessible statistics in honey bees through literature analysis. The genetic-related research subjects and achievements in the honeybee research field from two time periods 2000 to 2011 and 2012-2022 are addressed using the PubMed database. The results from 2076 published articles in PubMed indicated differences in research topics and techniques in geneticrelated subjects in the honeybee research between the studied two time periods. As a result of quantification, in the first 11 years, the frequently used traits in honeybee research were appetitive behavior, feeding behavior, aging, longevity, memory, pollination, social, sexual, and nesting behavior. Although, in the second 11 years, new fields of study such as gut microbiome, lipidomic, gene regulatory network, cognitive and hygienic behavior, disease resistance (especially resistance against Varroa mites), and danger of pollinators decline have emerged in recent 11 years. In conclusion, the output of this scientometric analysis of the honey bee genetic-related studies can provide a retrospective picture, map the current state, identify signs of progress and perspectives, and ultimately determine future priorities.