مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /COVID and the home: the ...
عنوان COVID and the home: the emergence of new urban home life practised under pandemic-imposed restrictions
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها COVID, home-life activities, public health, wellbeing, housing development, open spaces
چکیده The recent pandemic-induced change has profoundly transformed our lifestyle and normal chores of everyday life. We discuss the dramatic changes in home-dwellers life during/after the COVID-19 outbreak in UK urban settlements and the implications for public health and urban planning practice. The discussions indicate the emergence and influence of new urban home life practiced during the restrictions. This fact requires the implementation of integrated planning and regeneration policies permitting housing (re)development that offer minimum spatial qualities and resilience for all home-life activities and residential communities. This should include fostering economic incentives for housing renewal providing direct access to open spaces.
پژوهشگران بختیار بهرامی (نفر دوم)، گوران عرفانی (نفر اول)