مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /A portable solar still's ...
عنوان A portable solar still's productivity boost combining a magnetic stirrer and thermoelectric
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Solar desalination; Multi-slope solar still; Enhancement; Thermoelectric; Magnetic stirrer
چکیده Salt water desalination using solar still is a successful technique to supply clean water in distant locations using low-cost settlements. In this research, the fabrication and experimental performance of a new portable multislope solar still is outlined. Considering the low efficiency of solar stills, different modifications were used to intensify productivity. The modified solar still was investigated in passive and active operational modes in which the passive mode only relies on solar radiation, while the active mode uses different modifications to improve productiveness. In the active mode, the impact of using a magnetic stirrer and thermoelectric cover cooling is investigated in different case studies. All experiments were done at the University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Iran, in October 2021 in daylight time. The maximum fresh water yield from the modified solar still was 1550 ml/m2 ⋅d, which was 143.14 % more than the conventional still at the same meteorological condition. Furthermore, the energy and exergy efficiency of the solar still was calculated to be the highest at 28 % and 1.67 %, and the cost per liter was 0.081 $/l/m2 . Therefore, the efficacy of the recommended design and modifications was proven to be a sustainable and low-cost method for clean water demand in rural regions.
پژوهشگران کیمیا ربی شکر (نفر اول)، روناک دقیق (نفر دوم)