مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /The effects of exercise ...
عنوان The effects of exercise training on plasma volume variations: A systematic review
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها hemoglobin, hematocrit, blood volume, red blood cells
چکیده The aim of this systematic review was to summarize the evidence on the acute and long-term effects of exercise training on PV, in both trained and untrained individuals and to examine associations between changes in %PVV and change in physical/physiological performance. Despite the status of participants and the exercise duration or intensity, all the acute studies reported a significant decrease of PV , and ranged between 7 and 19.9%. In untrained individuals, most of studies reported a significant increase of PV in response to different kind of training including endurance training and high intensity interval training , and ranged from 6.6 to 16%. However, in trained individuals the results are equivocal. We showed that acute exercise appears to induce a significant decrease of PV in both healthy untrained and trained individuals in response to several exercise modalities. Moreover, there is evidence that long-term exercise training induced a significant increase of PV in healthy untrained individuals. However, it seems that there is no consensus concerning the effect of long-term exercise training on PV in trained individuals.
پژوهشگران ایوب سعیدی (نفر ششم به بعد)، عبدالرئوف بن عبدالرحمان (نفر ششم به بعد)، کاین کلارک (نفر ششم به بعد)، کلاری تورنی چولت (نفر ششم به بعد)، کاریوپاسامی گوینداسامی (نفر ششم به بعد)، آنتونی هاکنی (نفر پنجم)، آیاپان جایاول (نفر چهارم)، آمال صالحی (نفر سوم)، فاطما رهیبی (نفر دوم)، حسن زوحل (نفر اول)