مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Application of integrated ...
عنوان Application of integrated geoelectrical methods in Marand (Iran) manganese deposit exploration
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Integrated geoelectrical methods . CRSP array. Manganese deposit . Marand . Iran
چکیده This paper addresses the application of integrated geoelectrical methods including induced polarization (IP), resistivity (RS), and self-potential (SP) for exploration and evaluation of the Marand (Iran) manganese deposit. The SP method was used for reconnaissance, in which five profiles were designed and surveyed with a reference electrode that was placed in a distance of at least 800 m far from the measurement points. For the conduct of RS and IP, a new array proposed by Ramazi (2005a), named combined resistivity profiling and sounding (CRSP) was used along nine profiles that made it possible to do sounding survey and produce apparent resistivity pseudo-sections. Some anomalies were detected by means of SP surveys along the profiles and some other were located from IP and RS pseudosections, and there was good consistency between anomalies detected by IP and RS and SP method. To check the efficiency of CRSP and in comparison with dipole–dipole array, in the location of profile no. 6, a profile with the dipole–dipole array was designed and surveyed. Finally, by integration of the results from the geoelectrical methods, some locations were suggested for borehole drilling. After drilling in those locations, cores were studied and compared with the results obtained from the geoelectrical methods that resulted in confirmation of the geoelectrical findings. The results obtained by the CRSP array have a match better than the drilling results.
پژوهشگران حمید رضا رمضی (نفر اول)، کامران مصطفائی (نفر دوم)