Mutual coupling between two microstrip patch antennas on concave and convex cylindrical surfaces
نوع پژوهش
مقاله ارائه شده کنفرانسی
conformal mapping, mutual coupling, patch antennas
The mutual coupling (MC) between two microstrip patch antennas on concave and convex cylindrical surfaces is obtained by conformal mapping. The method is to map a circular sector into a rectangle, which simplifies the problem to that of finding MC for a planar patch array. This enhances the speed of calculations considerably. MC is obtained and interpreted for different radii of curvature and the spacing between two patch antennas. Also, as a more general scenario, S-parameters for an array of patches located on an elliptic cylinder is obtained using conformal mapping. The validity of conformal mapping is verified by a standard full-wave method.
سید کیهان حسینی (نفر اول)، زهرا اطلس باف (نفر دوم)