مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Factors Effective on Customer ...
عنوان Factors Effective on Customer Loyalty in the Mobile Telecommunications Industry: A Comparative Study of Iran and Iraq
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Confidence, Remaining customers, Mobile communication industry, Customers' loyalty
چکیده Nowadays in competitive marketing, companies have to supply customer demands to continue competing. Considering the various requirements and favorites of different customers and fixing them is necessary for manufacturing and services companies because the customers are the key to success of the companies and their absence will undoubtedly lead to the company’s failure. Loyal customers and their constant purchases will make the company successful and creates a competitive advantage for it, so the loyal customers are important for companies. The current study attempted to examine the effective factors on the loyalty of customers in the mobile communication industry in Iran and Iraq, and provide applied results for managers. This study was a descriptive research based on the purpose of applied research and it was a survey research based on the method of data collection and implementation. A questionnaire was used to collect data and its validity was confirmed by the professors of the management department. The sample of the society, due to its unlimited number, were selected 384 in Iran and 387 in Iraq, using the Cochran formula, and random sampling method was used in this study SPSS and LISREL software’s were used to analyze the data and the collected data was normalized using the Kolmogorff-Smirnov test. Structural equation modeling was also used to test the hypotheses. Because of the normal data of the sample, Pearson correlation coefficient was used to determine the correlation between the existing factors and loyalty. The obtained results showed that there was a positive and significant effect between research variables. The results of Beta coefficient of LISREL software also indicated that the confidence to operator with 0.60 coefficient ranked first and gained the highest effect on the loyalty of customers in the mobile communication industry compared to other variables. Satisfaction with 0.54, company image with 0.46, the quality of perceived services with 0.40, and perceived cost of switching with 0.36 coefficient ranked from the second to fifth, respectively.
پژوهشگران پرویز کفچه (نفر اول)، کاظم فرج عارف (نفر دوم)، آرام طاهر سعید (نفر سوم)، بیستون عثمان (نفر چهارم)