A New Full Diversity Supper High Rate Transmission with Orthogonal Space-time Block Codes
نوع پژوهش
مقاله ارائه شده کنفرانسی
orthogonal space-time block codes, unitary matrix, full diversity, effective throughput.
In this paper, a new full diversity super high rate transmission system with orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBCs) is proposed which is performed on the algebraic structure in existing orthogonal designs based on orthogonal and super-orthogonal for 2 transmit antennas and quasi-orthogonal designs for 4 transmit antennas. In the proposed scheme, the transmitted space-time signaling matrix is selected among several two-tuple codewords (according to two bits of three additional information bits in each frame of data). This selections based on the third bit. The proposed code achieves higher throughput level comparing to the Alamouti and DAC Codes without requiring any additional system resources such as power or bandwidth. Simulation Results will verify the considerable improvements in effective throughput after applying this method on a MIMO (multiple input – multiple output) system.
فرزانه نورمحمدی (نفر چهارم)، ابوالفضل فلاحتی (نفر سوم)، فریدون حسین پناهی (نفر دوم)، فرزاد حسین پناهی (نفر اول)