Investigating the Impacts of Wind Power Contribution on the Short-Term Frequency Performance
نوع پژوهش
مقاله ارائه شده کنفرانسی
Inertia control, primary frequency control, primary frequency response, wind power penetration
According to the environmental concerns, the utility of renewable energy is rapidly growing up. Recently, wind energy has had a significant proportion in renewable power resources. As wind power penetration increases, power industry tends to replace conventional generation units with the wind power resources. Modern wind energy conversion machines are not able to participate in frequency response since the machines are decoupled from the grid by back-to-back voltage based converters. In spite of providing the ability for wind generation to contribute in frequency regulation, the effect of this contribution is not entirely perceived especially at different wind power penetration. This paper investigates the impact of the inertia, primary frequency response (PFR) and combination of those control procedures that provided based on fast primary control by wind turbines on performance of frequency response of updated IEEE-39 bus power system. The simulation results show the significant improvement in frequency performance with contribution of wind farms in primary frequency regulation.
سیروان عطایی (نفر اول)، رحمت خضری (نفر دوم)، محمد رامین فیضی (نفر سوم)، حسن بیورانی (نفر چهارم)