مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /analysis of input-output ...
عنوان analysis of input-output energy use of sugar beet production in Iran
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ‌شده در مجلات علمی
کلیدواژه‌ها Energy Analysis ,Energy Efficiency ,Input-Output Method ,Sugar Beet Production ,Iran
چکیده This study attempted to investigate energy use of sugar beet production in Iran using time series data (1988-2008) and input-output method. The results showed that, 50.63 GJ ha is the average annual energy consumption to produce 28.8 tons ha sugar beet, net energy gain was positive (442.33 GJ ha) and energy 11use in sugar beet production was efficient (Energy ratio=9.76). Among the analyzed inputs used fertilizers had the highest share in energy contribution (46.6%) followed by water (32.4%) diesel (8.12%), machinery (6.07%), labor (2.38%) and seed (1.79%). Results indicated that input energy use increased by 1.7% but fertilizers and seed energy use declined by 0.59% and 2.59% respectively. The highest growth rate of energy use was for chemicals (5.17%) followed by labor (4.32%), machinery (2.3%) and diesel (2.4%). Although energy efficiency and all other energy indices improved during the study period, sugar beet production depended largely on indirect energy (55.79 %) and the share of renewable energy in the total energy use was a miniscule (5.45%). According to the results, it is desirable to initiate policies to reduce the use of non-renewable energies, particularly chemicals and increase the energy efficiency, particularly water use efficiency in sugar beet production in Iran.
پژوهشگران حامد قادرزاده (نفر سوم)، تی.ان. پراکاش کمماردی (نفر دوم)، شیرکوه سلطان پناهی (نفر اول)