In the present work, we study the warm tachyon inflation model in the context of ‘‘logamediate inflation,’’ where the smological scale factor expands as a ¼ a0 exp ðA½ln tÞ. The characteristics of this model in slow-roll approximation are presented in the following two cases: (1) The dissipative-parameter is a function of the tachyon field and (2) is a constant parameter. The level of non-Gaussianity of this model is found for these two cases. Scalar and tensor perturbations for this scenario are presented. The parameters appearing in our model are constrained by recent observational data (WMAP7). Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum, i.e., ns ¼ 1, is approximately obtained for large values of (i.e., ’ 50) and for normal values of the number of e-folds, i.e., N ’ 60. On the other hand, the scale invariant spectrum (Harrison-Zeldovich spectrum) is given by using two parameters in our model. For intermediate inflation, where the cosmological scale factor expands as a ¼ a0 exp ðAtfÞ, this spectrum has been exactly obtained using one parameter, i.e., f ¼ 23 M. R. Setare and V. Kamali, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 08 (2012) 034.