مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Software and applications of ...
عنوان Software and applications of RFID in supply chain management
نوع پژوهش مقاله ارائه شده کنفرانسی
کلیدواژه‌ها Supply Chain Management, IBM Websphere software, my SAP software
چکیده The challenge to compete and stay on top is tough but not impossible. The Supply Chain Management (SCM) Software are tools that can manage process, inventories, assets and partners, and which perform simple tracking of shipments to sophisticated monitoring of complex business flows within major processes. The ability to the customers and integrated services, such as forward notifications, simulations and adaptive additional value to the customers and integrated services, such as forward notifications, simulations and adaptive collaborations. In short, a successful Supply Chain Management solution can use six basic steps to help companies mange events in the entire supply chain: 1. Define specific targets for specific business objects, such as a shipment 2. Post events messages to report actual performance of business objects 3. Detect exiting and upcoming problems by comparing actual performance with expected performance 4. Resolve problems by merging managerial attention and collaborative problem solving procedures. 5. Learn from historic event data 6. Adapt performance targets or operating procedures to prevent future problems This turn results in data visibility and decrease in fixed and working capital. The Web Sphere RFID Solution middleware is the basic structure of IBM’s solution for supply chain management. Also, my SAP SCM is the SAP Company’s solution to Warehouse management is a well set of instruction for implementation.
پژوهشگران ی توفیقی سرم (نفر اول)، عیسی نخعی کمال آبادی (نفر دوم)، م تسبیحی (نفر سوم)