2025 : 2 : 16
mohammad reza Khodabakhsh

mohammad reza Khodabakhsh

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 56674392500
Faculty: Faculty of Language and Literature


Critical Pedagogy: ELF Teachers' Views, Experience and Academic Degrees
Banking education, Critical Pedagogy, English as a Foreign Language (ELF)
Journal English language teaching
Researchers mahsa mahmoodarabi ، mohammad reza Khodabakhsh


Although critical pedagogy has brought about positive changes in the field of education by shifting from traditional pedagogy to emancipatory Pedagogy, not much attention has been paid to the factors affecting teachers’ beliefs of critical pedagogy and only a few studies have been conducted to design reliable and valid instruments to study ELF (English as a foreign Language) teachers’ beliefs about different aspects of teaching in the field of critical pedagogy. Consequently, there is a gap in our knowledge of critical pedagogy in terms of Iranian ELF teachers’ beliefs about critical pedagogy and their tendency to implement it in the teaching ELF. This study was conducted to help fill this gap, through developing a questionnaire and focusing on the relationship between teachers’ teaching experience and educational background and their beliefs about critical pedagogy. To this end, a critical Language pedagogy questionnaire was developed and validated, using factor analysis. The questionnaire was administered to 403 respondents. Pearson Correlation Coefficient and MANOVA were used to analyze the data. The result indicated that there were significant differences among the BA, MA and PhD participants of critical pedagogy, with PhD holders found to be most aware of principles and practices Language pedagogy. Furthermore, teachers’ teaching experience had a significant relationship with their awareness of critical pedagogy with more experienced teachers scoring higher on four factors in the questionnaire.