2024 : 7 : 26
Jalil Fathi

Jalil Fathi

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 4564
Faculty: Faculty of Language and Literature


The effect of inquiry based learning on motivation, reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge
Inquiry Based Learning, Reading Comprehension, Reading Motivation, Vocabulary Knowledge
Researchers farough Qaderi(Student)، Habib Soleimani(PrimaryAdvisor)، Jalil Fathi(Advisor)


Inquiry-based learning, which is not typically used in a foreign language classroom, can be added to the methods used by a teacher in the classroom. The purpose of this study is to see how Inquiry based learning is best used to understand a foreign language text. Joe Axline (2014) found that people create their own perceptions through the Inquiry-based learning process. Inquiry-based learning is about finding the right solution to the question and topic instead of finding the right answer. For educators, Inquiry-based learning emphasizes the development of questioning skills and the development of mental habits and questioning attitudes that enable individuals to continue striving to acquire knowledge through life. Ajit et al. (2016) describe Inquiry-based learning as a way to learn through questioning and experimentation. They argue that in the context of learning English text, Inquiry-based learning is an effective way to learn that creates more opportunities to create cultural, practical, and engaging lessons. In most classes in Iran, teacher-centered learning is the most visible method. Teachers tend to deliver lessons directly to students and provide them with all the lesson points students need. The constructivist view of education, founded by John Dewey and Lou Vygotsky, argues that knowledge is made from personal experience and is not obtained through the delivery of information (Kim, 2005). To address this problem, a potential strategy to maximize the role of students in learning should consider constructivist principles, one of the most widely used of which is Inquiry-based learning. No other studies have been conducted to examine or demonstrate the effectiveness of Inquiry-based learning on motivation, reading comprehension and vocabulary knowledge in a foreign language. Thus, this research seeks to answer this question.