2025 : 2 : 17
Jalil Fathi

Jalil Fathi

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 4564
Faculty: Faculty of Language and Literature


  • BSc. in English Translation , Kharazmi University , Iran (2003 - 2007)
    Thesis title:
  • MSc. in TEFL , Allameh Tabataba'i , Iran (2007 - 2010)
    Thesis title: The Effect of Automatization of the Phonological Component on the Reading Comprehension of ESP Students
  • PhD. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) , Allameh Tabataba'i , Iran (2010 - 2015)
    Thesis title: An Investigation of the Current State of Postmethod Pedagogy in Iran and Its Relationship with Teacher Reflection


Research activities

Journal Papers
Conference Papers
Testing a model of growth mindset, ideal L2 self, boredom, and WTC in an EFL context Lawrence Jun Zhang, Abdulbaset Saeedian, Jalil Fathi (2024)
Examining the relationships between mindfulness, grit, academic buoyancy and boredom among EFL learners Hamed Mohammad Hosseini, Ali Derakhshesh, Jalil Fathi, Sepideh Mehraein (2024)
Reflective teaching and academic optimism as correlates of work engagement among university instructors Fangyuan Li, Farnoosh Mohammaddokht, Hamed Mohammad Hosseini, Jalil Fathi (2023)
The Effect of Flipping a Foreign Language Writing Course on Writing Performance and Writing Motivation Zeinab Moradi Khazaee, Hamid Reza Dowlatabadi, Majid Amerian, Jalil Fathi (2020)
The Role of Literature in EFL Classroom from an EIL Perspective Mohammad Khatib, Shokoufeh Ranjbar, Jalil Fathi (2012)
On the Role of Phonological Processing in L2 Reading Mohammad Khatib, Jalil Fathi (2012)
Wordlists in Language Teaching and Learning Research Mansoor Fahim, Jalil Fathi, saeed Nourzadeh (2011)
Beyond method: The rise of reflective teaching Jalil Fathi, Fouad Behzadpour (2011)
Beyond Method: The Rise of Reflective Teaching Jalil Fathi, Fouad Behzadpour (2011)
Effect of Reflection on Self-efficacy and Stress Jalil Fathi, Saman Yousefifard (2017)
Reading English through Culture Habib Soleimani, Jalil Fathi, Zeinab Moradi Khazaee (2022)
An overview of language testing Jalil Fathi, Habib Soleimani (2019)
General English Structure Jalil Fathi, Habib Soleimani (2019)

Research interests

  • Teacher education, CALL, Research Methodology