2025 : 2 : 19
Habib Soleimani

Habib Soleimani

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 2319
Faculty: Faculty of Language and Literature


Exploring the Effects of Writing through Google Docs on Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency in EFL Writing: A Case of EFL Iraqi Learners
Writing Fluency, Writing Accuracy, Writing Complexity, Google Doc
Researchers Dana Omar Ali(Student)، Habib Soleimani(PrimaryAdvisor)


The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of Google Docs involvement as an instructional medium in the students' writing fluency, writing accuracy, and writing complexity. In the present study two intact classes were assigned to two forms of writing instruction: the traditional (with no Google Docs involvement) and Experimental Groups to examine the impact of using Google Docs on EFL learners’ writing fluency, accuracy and complexity. For this purpose, a cohort of 30 EFL learners was selected and exposed to an eight-week intervention where they wrote web based collaborative texts and compositions based on teacher determined topics and subjects. Significant improvements were found through utilizing Google Docs in the students' writing fluency, writing accuracy, and writing complexity. Furthermore, the results showed that Google Docs did cause more significant changes firstly in students writing fluency, secondly in writing complexity and finally in writing accuracy for the experimental group. This study can be of particular interest to educators who prepare students with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for the complex world inside and outside the classroom. With regard to the implications of this study, it may be implied that Google Docs can be integrated into EFL writing courses in order to increase effectiveness of writing development by providing the learners with online peer-editing capacity.