2025 : 3 : 7
Shaho Zarei

Shaho Zarei

Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 6325
Faculty: Faculty of Science
Phone: 2492: داخلی


Using t-distribution for Robust Hierarchical Bayesian Small Area Estimation under Measurement Error in Covariates
Small area estimation‎, ‎MCMC methods‎, ‎Area-level model‎, ‎Measurement error‎, ‎Hierarchical Bayesian modelling‎.
Journal Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis
Researchers Shaho Zarei ، Serena Arima


‎Small area estimation often suffers from imprecise direct estimators due to small sample sizes‎. ‎One method for giving direct estimators more strength is to use models‎. ‎Models employ area effects and include supplementary information from extra sources as covariates to increase the accuracy of direct estimators‎. ‎The valid covariates are the basis of the small area estimation‎. ‎Therefore‎, ‎measurement error (ME) in covariates can produce contradictory results‎, ‎i.e.‎, ‎even reduce the precision of direct estimators‎. ‎{The measurement error is usually assumed normally distributed with a known mean and variance in most cases.} However‎, ‎in real problem‎, ‎there might be situations in which the normality assumption {of} MEs does not hold‎. ‎In addition‎, ‎the assumption of known ME variance is restricted‎. ‎To address these issues and obtain a more robust model‎, ‎we propose modeling ME using a t-distribution with known and unknown degrees of freedom‎. ‎Model parameters are estimated using a fully Bayesian framework based on MCMC methods‎. ‎We validate our proposed model using simulated data and apply it to well-known crop data and the cost and income of households living in Kurdistan province of Iran‎. ‎The results of the proposed model are promising and‎, ‎especially in presence of outlying observations‎, ‎the proposed approach performs better than competing ones.