2024 : 7 : 26
Naghi Shabanian

Naghi Shabanian

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 56079428000
Faculty: Faculty of Natural Resources
Address: Dept. of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, IRAN, P.O. Box 416, Postal Code 66177-15175
Phone: 08733620551


Effect of two Traditional ForestManagement Practices (TFM) on the Diversity, Regeneration and Spatial pattern of tree in Northern Zagros Forest, Kurdistan Province,West of Iran
Zagros forest, Blake forest, Armardeh Pattern, Havare Khol Pattern, diversity, spatial pattern
Journal Advances in Bioresearch
Researchers Maziar Haidari ، Sorosh Zabihoallahi ، Naghi Shabanian


The emphasis of the traditional Forest Management Practices the important key on the sustainable forest management. In order to investigate of this study Blake forest (Armadreh pattern) and Havare Khol forest (Havare Khol pattern) in the Baneh region, Kurdistan Province was selected. In per site collected 60 square sample plots (20×25m= 500 m2) by randomized-systematic method in the 100×200 Net. In every sample plot this information include the species, number, origin of tree (coppice and Height tree), Diameter of breast height (cm), height (m), Crown height (m) and two diameters of crown was recorded. Regeneration recorded in micro plots 5*5 meter (25 m2). Species diversity index includes Shannon Wiener (H ׳) and Margalef (R1) was used. To analysis of spatial pattern used the quadrat method and variance /mean ratio, Green, Morisata and standardized Morisata index in the two sites. The means of different between diversity indexes in the two areas were calculated by T-test. To analysis data use the Past, Ecological Methodological and SPSS18 software. Results showed that tree diversity in Havareh Khol pattern higher the Armardeh pattern but species diversity in Havareh Khol pattern has more. Statistical analysis showed significant differences between diversity index and qualitative parameter of tree in the two patterns. In this study two Traditional forest management practices have strong and weakness point and Authors suggested to approach the sustainable forest management used the compact of two Traditional forest management practice.