2024 : 7 : 26
Naghi Shabanian

Naghi Shabanian

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 56079428000
Faculty: Faculty of Natural Resources
Address: Dept. of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, IRAN, P.O. Box 416, Postal Code 66177-15175
Phone: 08733620551


Effect of traditional forest management practices in Havarekhol pattern on forest structure (Case study: Kurdistan province, Northern Zagros forest).
Havarekhol forest, forest structure, horizontal structure, vertical structure, spatial pattern, Zagros forest.
Journal Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences
Researchers Sorosh Zabihoallahi ، Mazyar Haidari ، Manouchehr Namiranian ، Naghi Shabanian


To study of forest structure in the Northern Zagros forest, Havarekholforest inBaneeh region, Kurdistan province in west of Iran was selected.60 square sample plots 20×20 meters (400 m2) were collected by randomized-systematic method in the 200×300 Net. In every plot the position of tree, kind of species, number of trees, and diameter at breast height (cm), height (m), crown height (m) and two diameters of crown were recorded. Vertical and horizontal of this forest showed in the one sample (50×50 m, 0.25 hectare). To analysis of horizontal structure (spatial pattern), used was made of the quadrat method, variance/mean ratio, Green and Morisata index. Data analyzing was done bySPSS16, SVS (Stand Visualization System) and Ecological Methodological software’s. Results showed the mean of forest characteristics including DBH, height, crown height, andcrown area, canopy density and density was 8.2 (±1.8), 2.45 (± 0.40), 2.2 (±0.22), 5.6 (±1.01), 35.8 (±4.6) and 640 (±22). Overall results showed Havarekhol forest was two forest story and Quercus libani Oliv and Quercus infectoria Oliv were the most dominant woody plants and located in over story. DBH distribution graphs showed reduced uneven-aged young aged stand and spatial pattern of this forest was uniform to clumped pattern.Overall results showed the Havarekhol Traditional Forest Management Practices lead to increase the young tree and regeneration.