2024 : 7 : 27
Nematollah Azizi

Nematollah Azizi

Academic rank: Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 57193759100
Faculty: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Phone: +988733665283


Connecting Higher Education to Industry: A Critical reflection on Swe-dish and Iranian HE Policies and Practices
higher education, university-industry collaboration, national policies and practices
Researchers Nematollah Azizi ، Per-Olof Thang ، Sepideh Nikounejad


In recent years the importance of collaboration between higher education and industry has been increasingly acknowledged by HE’s policymakers and scholars and different national policies and practices all around the world have been carried out to bridge these two parties effectively. Although developing countries have realized the importance and necessity of university-industry collaboration, yet they are confronting a deep-rooted mismatch between universities and industry. This paper however, aims to critically analyze and compare relevant current mechanisms, policies and practices in Iran and Sweden. As multiple qualitative approach was used to enable deep exploration of participants. Participants included 29 Iranian and Swedish experts representing universities and industries who were purposefully selected and were interviewed using semi-structure interview. Data was analyzed via the coding method (open coding, axial coding and selective coding). Findings revealed that Iran and Sweden use two relatively different models to fill the gap between their universities and industries emphasizing on different aspects and players. Despite some similarities between these two countries in their approaches to link universities to the industry, the findings showed that in contrast to Iranian triple model in Sweden a five-way model is applied for university-business collaboration (UBC). Findings also show that despite the reported needs for close cooperation between universities and industries in Iran, current policies and methods, including the types of relationships and interactions and strategies used, need to be critically reviewed. In addition, given the findings on Swedish policies and methods for connecting universities and industries, some practical strategies have been proposed to improve the relationship between universities and industries in Iran.