2025 : 3 : 7
Loghman Ghahramany

Loghman Ghahramany

Academic rank: Associate Professor
Education: PhD.
ScopusId: 57188921659
Faculty: Faculty of Natural Resources
Address: Dept. of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Kurdistan, Sanandaj, IRAN, P.O. Box 416, Postal Code 66177-15175
Phone: (+98) 8733627724-6 (Ext. 3368)


Comparison of Forest Structure Utilized by Traditional Method with Less-Disturbed Forest Stands in Northern Zagros (case study: Baneh, western Iran)
Forest structure, Traditional utilization, Less- disturbed stands, traditionally used stands, Northern Zagros, Baneh
Researchers Loghman Ghahramany ، Mohsen Salehyan ، Hedayat Allah Ghazanfari


Northern Zagros forests are coppices and almost destroyed. In Baneh region, a kind of native knowledge of forestry has been formed for enabling local communities to survive using forest resources. In this traditional forestry, owner of forest applies mixture styles of even- aged coppice on tree (on trunk & crown) and uneven- aged coppice (on earth) for preparing food for domestic animals and wood. In this research, three less-disturbed and three traditionally-used stands were selected in different regions of Baneh city. Selected stands in any region had similar physiographic conditions. Thirty rectangular plots (20×30 m) were established in the selected stands by random sampling. In each plot, biometrical indices(all of over 5cm dbh trees, species, diameter at breast height (i.e. 1.3 m above ground), height and canopy diameter of live trees for dominant tree species, i.e. Quercus branti Lindl., Quercus infectoria Oliv., Quercus Libani Oliv. and regeneration were measured. Measured factors in less -disturbed stands and traditionally- used stands were compared. Species composition and regeneration in studied stands was compared by chi-square test. The differences in diameter size, basal area, and tree height of studied stands were analyzed using independent-samples t test. Average canopy area of dominant trees was compared by Mann-Whitney test. The results show that the difference of trees combination between less-disturbed and traditionally-used stands is significant )p< 0.01).The results also showed that the total height and crown area are significantly different (P< 0.01) among the stands. Basal area and mean diameter at breast height between less-disturbed and traditionally-used stands of Boiin and Yakobabad were considerably different (P< 0.01); however, in less-disturbed and traditionally-used stands of Showe there was no significant difference. Seed and coppice regenerations (lower& higher 2m) differ markedly between less- disturbed and traditionally-used stand